Diana and Albert were introduced to each other in California, where Albert lives, by their mutual friend, Tanya. Tanya conveniently forgot to mention to Albert that Diana was a third-year medical student in Boston and also neglected to mention to Diana that she was being set up. After a few group outings where Diana wondered why this Albert guy kept showing up, she was let in on the secret just in time for her to return to medical school in Boston after her summer break.
Distance and circumstances kept them apart for a while, but finally on December 21, 2008 during Diana's winter break in California, Diana and Albert went out on their first date: glow-in-the-dark miniature golfing. They immediately realized how much they enjoyed each other's company and felt an instant connection. In the week and a half that they had, they spent as much time together as possible before Diana had to return to school.
After Diana returned to Boston, she and Albert talked on the phone daily and had study dates on Skype. Albert quickly became well versed in all the various frequent flier programs and flight schedules and more intimately familiar with the Sackler Medical Library at Tufts than he ever wanted to be.
Diana and Albert remained inseparable even as Albert took an engineering position at Apple in Cupertino and Diana moved on to New York City for her OB/Gyn residency program at Lenox Hill Hospital where she is currently in her second year.
Then on May 11, 2011, several years and thousands of frequent flyer miles later on a beautiful beach in Santa Barbara, Diana and Albert decided that they wanted to spend the rest of their lives together. Now they look forward to a year and a day later when they can celebrate their life-long commitment to each other in the presence of their closest family and friends.